Page 5 - Life Assurance
P. 5
Insurable Risks
1/1/1 The insurable risks (commercially).
1/1/2 Requirements of the insurable risks:
1- A sufficient number of risks of similar class.
2- Possibility of calculation the chance of loss.
3- The occurrence of loss must be fortuitous.
4- There must be an insurable interest to
5- The possible loss must not be catastrophic.
5 Lif11/life/life08
Insurable Risks
1/1/1 The insurable risks (commercially).
1/1/2 Requirements of the insurable risks:
1- A sufficient number of risks of similar class.
2- Possibility of calculation the chance of loss.
3- The occurrence of loss must be fortuitous.
4- There must be an insurable interest to
5- The possible loss must not be catastrophic.
5 Lif11/life/life08